1st Annual Ping-Pong-Palooza


Keith and his family are raising money for the ACPMP Research Foundation by hosting a ping pong palooza on Thanksgiving day in memory of Fran, beloved mother and wife.

Ping-Pong-Palooza is here! As many of you know, Fran loved ping pong. To be more specific, she reveled at kicking our butts at ping pong. From our first trip as a couple in 1992 to a B&B in Vermont when she schooled me at a ping pong table (and laughed about it the entire trip) through last December when, struggling with the cumulative effects of advanced disease and powerful chemo, she grabbed her special paddle and did battle for the final time, ping pong was her thing. It connected her to her family: a tribute to her siblings and those games that brought her such joy when she was young.

We have always loved Thanksgiving because of what it stands for: togetherness, food, and family. To foster togetherness, we are going to begin playing ping pong at noon until dinner (food time!), and then continue until tryptophan knocks us out. I will post our final hour total on Friday. The goal is to raise some funds for ACPMP, an organization actively engaged in funding research to eliminate appendix cancer, which means fewer families will have empty chairs at their Thanksgiving dinners.

You can contribute here, or if you can’t donate at this time, honor Fran by gathering your crew together and play a little ping pong. Post a picture and tag me, using the hashtag: #pingpongpalooza. Either way, by donating or playing, you’ll honor Fran, who is likely still gloating over all the times she beat us at ping pong.

Thank you!

Keith, Logan, and Shane