Inspire is a free and secure online support community in which patients connect with one another for support and information. ACPMP has been a partner with Inspire for the past 10 years and has cultivated a wonderful support community for appendix cancer and PMP patients with over 1,900 members!

We are excited to share with you Inspire’s new mobile app! We’re confident the app will provide an even better experience on Inspire, so members can find the social and emotional support they need wherever they go. Learn more about the app for our ACPMP Support Community to provide you with the opportunity to learn and connect with others in the online support group anywhere, anytime. Download the app today here

Finding other people with the same diagnosis can be difficult, especially for people with rare diseases… Inspire has created a vibrant community of support groups with trusted partners, including ACPMP. People feel safe and are able to be authentic while learning about their medical journey from others who have “been there.”  Through the trust built in personalized community, members become empowered as patients and are more engaged in their health decision process.